Poppy Mayy

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Self-Care Ideas For Social Distancing

Like most people in the UK, for the past few weeks I have been practicing social distancing. As I am sure many of my readers know - the health crisis (COVID-19) is reaching it’s peak in the UK with the number of cases rising everyday. Although I am lucky enough to be considered healthy and not “at risk” I want to make sure I’m doing my part to protect those who are at risk by distancing myself. So for me this means working from home and spending majority of my time indoors. I’m naturally very introverted anyway, so staying inside and not seeing anyone other than Elliott for a few weeks doesn’t phase me too much. However what does is the possibility of boredom!

I am not sure how long we will be advised to practice social distancing, but whilst I am spending alot of time indoors I thought I would make the most of it as well as make some of my readers’ self-isolation periods a bit more interesting too. So, I am planning to be boost my self-care routine in a big way by trying new things, doing things I enjoy and rediscovering things I once enjoyed - and I think you should too!

Stick to your usual routines

This probably doesn’t seem like “self-care” but if like me, your daily routines already includes some form of self-care - stick to it! For me this means making a satisfying breakfast to start my day, carrying out my daily skincare routine and including some exercise a few times a week. This may not seem like alot but when you’re staying at home alot it’s important to keep things as routine as possible so that when the world returns to normal it won’t be so difficult “normalise” again.

Have a pamper

I normally try and do this once a week, however when you work full-time this doesn’t always go to to plan. So whilst I am social distancing I am planning to have as many pamper days/evenings as possible to keep myself feeling clean, fresh and pretty! Giving yourself a pamper will make you feel indulged and give you that little break you need from work or chores around the house. A few things I am planning to do on a weekly basis are: at home manicures and pedicures, facial masks, hair masks and full body exfoliating sessions.

Cook a new dish

Up until a few years ago I actually hated cooking. However now I feel that it’s part of my self-care routine. There is just something about putting together your favourite homemade dish and eating it in the coziness of your home. That’s why during lock down I want to experiment with food more and make a few new dishes. I’ve already made a chicken curry with pineapple and peas which was amazing and now I’m planning on making my way through Wok On - an Asian inspired cookbook that Elliott got me for my birthday. Not only does cooking a meal for yourself feel rewarding, it’s also fun and a great way to ensure you’re eating as healthy as possible.

Treat yourself

Even when I am allowed to go about my day as usual, I am a fan of that #treatyourself vibe! Just because you’re stuck indoors it doesn’t mean you can’t do a little retail therapy. Recently I received my first order from Stitch Fix - a fashion subscription box where a personal stylist picks some pieces based on your clothing sizes and a style questionnaire you fill out before hand. When your box comes you just have to pay for what you want to keep and send back the rest. It’s like having a personal shopping experience at home. But of course, if clothes aren’t your thing you can always try another subscription box. There are boxes for every interest like beauty products, sweets, chocolates, books and even pasta!

Play some games

I don’t think I’ve ever talked about my love for games on my blog before but when I am feeling a little lethargic I like to re-engage my brain with some games. Elliott and I currently have a PC, Xbox One, Gamecube and Switch so we’re never short of games to play. Currently I like to play Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild for when I want to solve some puzzles, Greedfall to get immersed in a story and Super Smash Bros Ultimate for when I just need a bit of fun. Again, this gives your brain a break from “real life” whilst doing something that’s fun and engages your brain.

Read more

I love to read, however when I’m going into the office everyday I don’t seem to find the time to. So I’ve decided that most evenings straight after I finish work for the day I am going to try and read at least one chapter of a book. I find reading really ignites my imagination and brings me a simple joy I don’t find in anything else. Currently I am re-reading the Harry Potter series for my fiction fix and for non-fiction I am reading Wiccapedia.

Learn a new skill

For the longest time I have wanted to improve my language skills so I am taking some time to practice on Duolingo. At school I learnt French, so I am taking a “improvers” course on this. At my work I also have a lot of German speaking colleagues so I have also decided to start from scratch with this course. And similarly with Japanese. I may be spreading myself too thin here but I think it’ll be fun. Learning a new skill, especially a new language, engages parts of your brain you may not use on a daily basis. Therefore practicing a new skill every so often gives your brain a little workout which is essential whilst in lock down.

Embrace an old hobby

Before I started university I used to draw alot and to be honest it’s a real shame that I haven’t properly picked up a pencil since. I do really miss drawing and being able to draw “well” so I think I have the perfect opportunity now to put in some practice. I’m just starting small by drawing things in my living room but I hope to get back to the level I was at when I was doing my art A levels. Revisiting a old hobby gives me a feeling of nostalgia and brings back so many different memories.

So which self-care idea are you going to be trying whilst you’re staying at home? Or perhaps you have some ideas of your own. Either way I’m proud of you for practicing social distancing and staying inside as much as possible. We must all work together, everyone from all over the globe if we have a hope of beating this health crisis. In the meantime, stay inside, stay safe and stay healthy!