Travel Diaries: Plans for the Summer

Summer is well and truly here. With temperatures rising to over 35 degrees, you can be sure that I am going to make the most of it. I don’t know what it is about the sun being out but it entices and motivates me to make more of my day. So this summer I have a little bucket list of things I want to do and I am determined to complete them all before September ends.

Go for a walk in the New Forest

The New Forest is one of my favourite places to explore that is just a day trip away from London. There are countless trails, scenic walks, gorgeous waterways and shady spots to enjoy. So whether you want to go on a long hike, set up a picnic or just have a casual explore - there is somewhere for you to do it here. One of my personal favourite spots in the New Forest is Hatchet Pond which is a really pretty spot to stop off at and admire the water. It’s a bit quiet there too, with the occassional fisherman or dog walker. Another very pretty place to go to, if you want a more popular part of the New Forest is Beaulieu. There you can find places to eat and drink as well as some tourist sites like Palace House and the National Motor museum.

Spend the day at the beach

It’s not really a true summer unless you spend at least one day at the beach. I really like scouting out a good spot to pitch up a little base camp - set up a half tent, lay out some beach towels and bring your comfiest camping chairs and you’re set for the whole day. Whenever we go to the beach we usually bring a little picnic in our cooler as well as a few of our favourite cocktail cans. I really enjoy swimming in the sea when I am at the beach - especially if there are a few waves. It’s the best way to cool down after setting up your base in the hot sun. Just don’t forget to pack your factor 50!

Read outside during my lunch hour

This is such a simple one that I know I will enjoy alot. I just have to remind myself to do it! I am currently working in the office for three days a week in a location that can be quite relaxing and picturesque. So why not take a little picnic blanket to work along with my favourite book and enjoy my packed lunch in the sun? I think it’d be a lovely way to spend an hour away from my desk, get a bit of sunshine and breathe some fresh air. I am also lucky enough to have a garden too. So even when I work from home, I can try sitting out in the garden and reading too. It’ll be a nice way to break up the day and enjoy some time outside.

Eat al fresco

I love eating outside but in the UK we don’t get too many opportunities to do it. So this summer, if outside seating is available I’m doing it. I don’t care about the potential bugs, sun burn or wind. I want to eat a nice meal with my husband in the fresh air whilst we people watch and admire the sun setting. Again it’s simple, but sometimes the simplest of pleasures in life bring the most joy.

Take a nightime roadtrip

I don’t know what it is about roadtrips at night with the windows down - but it’s one of my favourite things. I don’t even need to have an end destination in mind. I just like to drive when the sun is down but it’s still warm enough to have the car windows open and listen to my favourite music as I cruise along. It makes me feel excited, relaxed and at peace all at the same time. Bonus happy feelings if Fleetwood Mac, The Smiths or The Cranberries is playing. Bliss.

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