Setting Intentions for 2024

2024 is finally here and not only was the first of January the beginning on the year and the beginning of the month - it was also a Monday - marking the ultimate reset day. With an opportunity like this I just had to use the day to set my intentions for the rest of the year. What do I want to work on? What do I want to achieve? And what am I looking forward to most in 2024?

instilling healthy habits

Something I worked on in 2023 was instilling more habits into my morning and evening routines. And whilst I feel I mostly accomplished this - I want to bring this forward into 2024 by creating more healthy habits that I can “habit stack” with my current ones. Habit stacking is a really useful tool for people who want to include more than a handful of habits in their life but do not want to become overwhelmed with the sheer amount of new habits they have to instil. When I do this I never strive for perfection - I aim for a “mostly” mindset. For example, I want to add in daily journaling to my evening routine. However journaling 5 nights out of the week is far more sustainable for me than 7. This helps me with my slightly toxic “all-or-nothing” mindset that in the past has definitely sabotaged my goals.

being present

Again, this is another one I am bringing forward into 2024. Last year I would say I mainly accomplished this however it is a good habit to continue to practice. Being present strips away distractions and allows us to be wholly present in a moment. Whether that moment is spending time with loved ones, focusing on reading a chapter of a book or immersing yourself in a creative project. What I want to focus on more is not letting distractions take hold when I am doing something that I don’t deem “productive” (again another toxic mindset). Things like hobbies, recreation and fitness should not come second to work or household chores.

Making Time for Hobbies

Similarly to the above, I want to make more time for my hobbies. Whether it’s an hour an evening or a handful of hours on the weekend. I want to make time for things I love. This includes reading, drawing and playing video games. Nurturing passions like this that are “just for fun” is so important for our mental health because hobbies bring us joy. And after all what is the point in life if we cannot inject joy into it?

Embracing Creativity

Creativity is a powerful force that fuels our souls and used to be such a large part of my life as a child and teenager. Sadly, amidst busy schedules, it's all too easy for me to neglect my creative pursuits. This year, I am going to intentionally set aside time for my creative projects. Whether it's writing, crafting, photography, or any other form of creative expression, I am going to make space in my life to tap into my imagination and bring my artistic visions to life.

Setting intentions for the year ahead not only feels good, it also provides a roadmap for self-improvement and fulfilment. By prioritising healthy habits, presence, hobbies, and creativity, I hope I can create a meaningful and enriching 2024. Let's embrace the start of the year with openness, purpose, and a commitment to nurturing our inner selves. Here's to a year of growth, joy, and purposeful living! How do you plan to set intentions for 2024? Share your thoughts and aspirations in the comments below.